Sanjay Paranji-1

Sanjay Paranji

Technology and Business Development

Midstream, Downstream, Upstream, Clean tech
Middle East, Europe, United States

1. What is your profession? Or if you are retired, what was your profession?


2. What are your areas of expertise?

Midstream: Engineering, Operations, Technology, I.T./Digital, Corporate Development, Executive

Downstream: Process Engineering, Digital, Operations

Upstream: Reservoir Engineering, Asset Management, Technology, General Management, Corporate Development, Operations, Facilities Management, Drilling, Completions, Executive, Project Management, I.T./Digital, Marketing

Upstream Areas: Offshore, Onshore

Clean Tech: Technology, Commercial, Engineering, Corporate Development

Types of Clean Tech: Solar, Wind, CO2 capture, Hydrogren

3. Current employer:

Xecta Digital Labs

4. Previous employers:

Anadarko Petroleum, Schlumberger

5. How did you end up in the Energy Industry?

Was curious about geopolitics around oil and how it shapes/shaped the world

6. Why do you like working with Start-Ups?

Love being a coach, mentor, and solving problems

Okay, now for some fun things about Sanjay

7. What are three of your interests outside of work?

  • Cricket

  • Astronomy

  • Music

8.  What are your top 3 accomplishments (personal or professional)?  Don’t be shy!  Give ‘em to us.

  • Rose up through the corporate chain of command to an executive position, taught me about luck & opportunity

  • EMBA at Rice with a Jones scholarship while managing a full-time job, rough times

  • Father of a young boy who teaches me new things every day

9.  If I were a superhero, my superpower would be               .

eradicate poverty

10. When I was 5, I was pretty sure I'd be a                 when I grew up.


11. If I weren't so damn good at what I do now, I'd probably be                .

A physicist working on origins of the universe

12.  My favorite song is               by            .

"Summer of 69", "Mad at Gravity" - Burn

13.  If I won the lottery tomorrow, I'd start a "___" company. And, of course, still be a Villager.

Universal vaccine

14.  The best piece of advice I've ever been given is                              .

Never give up