Justin Gauthier

Justin Gauthier

Sales, Leadership and Networking Strategist

United States, Canada

1. What is your profession? Or if you are retired, what was your profession?

Sales and Business Development

2. What are your areas of expertise?

Upstream: Marketing, Sales, Drilling, Operations, Corporate Development, General Management

Upstream Areas: Onshore

3. Current Employer:

AES Drilling Fluids, OGGN

4. Previous Employers:

Canadian Energy Services, Precision Drilling

5. How did you end up in the Energy Industry?

After realizing that I wasn't going to make it to the CFL and had no plans to go to college, I knew I had to grow up and find a big boy job. I was 18 years old and had no idea what I wanted to do after high school but after seeing my cousin spend much of his time playing golf and entertaining his oil and gas clients, I knew that was the life for me. Little did I know, he spent the first ten years of his career in the field working in northern Alberta. I knew that in order to make it to his level and live the lavish downtown Calgary lifestyle, I had to prove myself in the field and so the summer after high school graduation my best friend and I drove from Vernon, BC to Nisku, Alberta to attend a two week roughneck training program. Following the program, I got hired on with Precision Drilling and on August 18th, 2004 I arrived to a drilling location and have never looked back.  

6. Why do you like working with Start-Ups?

Start-ups are made up of creativity, innovation, risk, and originality that are topped off with sprinkle of crazy that ultimately creates tremendous opportunity. Helping companies bridge the gap between vision and execution while connecting them to key stakeholders is extremely gratifying. All revolutionary and disruptive companies have contributed to the advancement of life and business as we know it and therefore being able to support these advancements allows me leverage my strengths while helping others achieve their dreams.

Okay, now for some fun things about Justin

7. What are three of your interests outside of work?

My biggest interests outside of work are: 

  • Activities with my wife/kids

  • Learning and being active in the health/fitness/sports community

  • Podcasting and associated networking

8.  What are your top 3 accomplishments (personal or professional)?  Don’t be shy!  Give ‘em to us.

  • Becoming mortgage free at the age of 31

  • Becoming the first one within my company to organically close a deal with a Major publicly traded oil and gas company

  • Being the only one in my family to complete a graduate degree

9.  If I were a superhero, my superpower would be               .

to be the coolest person in the world to my kids from now until forever.

10. When I was 5, I was pretty sure I'd be a                 when I grew up.

Professional athlete... I'm 35 and I think there's still time to make this happen especially with modern medicine!

11. If I weren't so damn good at what I do now, I'd probably be                 .

A stand up comedian, professional athlete, fulltime podcaster and leadership coach...and a DJ in Vegas... so much fun.

12.  My favorite song is               by            .

"Righteous" by Juice Wrld.

13.  If I won the lottery tomorrow, I'd          .

start Angel Investing

14.  The best piece of advice I've ever been given is                              .

"It's funny how lucky you get when you work hard" - my Dad