Johan Daal

Johan Daal

Reservoir Engineer and Discipline Integrator

United States, Mexico, South America, Middle East

1. What is your profession? Or if you are retired, what was your profession?

Reservoir Engineer

2. What are your areas of expertise?

Upstream: Reservoir Engineering, General Management, Asset Management, Technology, Project Management, Completions, Operations 

Upstream Area: Onshore

3. Current Employer:

Vitral Energy

4. Previous Employers:

Devon Energy, Halliburton Energy Services, Eagle Rock Energy

5. How did you end up in the Energy Industry?

Both of my parents worked for the Oil Industry back in Venezuela. So, I was raised in moving around many Oil and Gas cities in Venezuela. I always admired the professionalism, the variety of international professionals and use technology that this industry employs and deploys. 

6. Why do you like working with Start-Ups?

It is challenging, because it encourages people to be creative and work out of the comfort zone. And you get to meet very intelligent people!

Okay, now for some fun things about Johan

7. What are three of your interests outside of work?

  • Spending time with my family

  • Travelling with my family especially to Panama (the country) and visiting Disney World.

  • Exercising!

8.  What are your top 3 accomplishments (personal or professional)?  Don’t be shy!  Give ‘em to us.

  • I’m a published author. I have authored half a dozen papers.

  • I can directly point where I added millions of dollars of value in the Eagle Ford Shale because of my technical contributions. (Staggered laterals and choke management).

  • I was a competitive swimmer during my younger years.

9.  If I were a superhero, my superpower would be               .

Read minds! and understand any language.

10. When I was 5, I was pretty sure I'd be a                 when I grew up.


11. If I weren't so damn good at what I do now, I'd probably be                 .

a Medical Doctor or Psychologist

12.  My favorite song is               by            .

"En la ciudad de la furia" by Soda Stereo

13.  If I won the lottery tomorrow, I'd          .

start a Real Estate company

14.  The best piece of advice I've ever been given is                              .

There's always a path, there's always a solution. Just make sure it's worth it. Be a skeptical optimist!